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credited and debited meaning in hindi
Understanding the meaning of “credited” and “debited” in Hindi is essential for anyone who deals with financial transactions or manages their finances. In this blog post, we will explore the meanings of these terms and their significance in the Hindi language.
What does “credited” mean in Hindi?
In Hindi, the term “credited” is translated as “जमा हुआ” (jama hua). When a transaction or an amount is credited to an account, it means that the money has been added to that account. This could be due to various reasons, such as receiving a payment, earning interest, or any other form of income.
For example, if you receive your salary, the amount will be credited to your bank account. Similarly, if you make an investment and earn a profit, the profit will be credited to your investment account.
It is important to note that being credited does not necessarily mean that the amount is immediately available for use. There might be certain restrictions or processing times before the credited amount can be withdrawn or utilized.
What does “debited” mean in Hindi?
The term “debited” in Hindi is translated as “निकास हुआ” (nikas hua). When a transaction or an amount is debited from an account, it means that the money has been deducted or taken out from that account. This could be due to various reasons, such as making a payment, incurring expenses, or any other form of expenditure.
For example, when you pay your bills, the amount will be debited from your bank account. Similarly, if you make a purchase using your debit card, the corresponding amount will be debited from your account.
It is important to keep track of your debts to ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account and to avoid any overdraft or insufficient funds charges.
How are “credited” and “debited” used in financial transactions?
In financial transactions, the terms “credited” and “debited” are used to indicate the flow of funds. When money is credited to one account, it is debited from another account. This ensures that the transaction remains balanced and accurate.
For example, if you transfer money from your savings account to your checking account, the amount will be debited from your savings account and credited to your checking account.
Similarly, when you make a payment using your credit card, the amount will be debited from your bank account and credited to the merchant’s account.
Understanding these terms is crucial for maintaining financial records, reconciling statements, and managing your finances effectively.
In conclusion, “credited” and “debited” are important terms in the world of finance and personal accounting. In Hindi, “credited” is translated as “जमा हुआ” (jama hua), indicating the addition of money to an account, while “debited” is translated as “निकास हुआ” (nikas hua), indicating the deduction of money from an account.
By understanding the meanings of these terms, you can navigate financial transactions with ease and keep track of your finances accurately. Whether you are managing your finances or dealing with business transactions, knowing the credited and debited meaning in Hindi is essential for financial success.

#Credited #Debited #Meaning #Hindi