Previously few days, a number of WhatsApp customers have acquired messages from ‘Viksit Bharat Sampark’ in search of suggestions and options from the general public. The message comes with a PDF that has a letter from PM Narendra Modi. The PDF file hooked up with the WhatsApp message is a letter from Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioning authorities schemes like Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Ayushman Bharat, Matru Vandana Yojana, and many others, and in search of options from the residents over authorities initiatives and schemes.The letter which addresses customers as ‘my pricey members of the family’ has sparked political controversy. The Congress has known as the PDF file hooked up with the message a ‘political propaganda’.The Kerala Congress tagged WhatsApp father or mother Meta and complained in regards to the message in a sequence of posts. “Dear @Meta, This morning, Indian Citizens with WhatsApp has been getting an automated message from a “WhatsApp verified Enterprise” named Viksit Bharat Sampark. The message talks about taking feedback from Citizens, but the attached PDF is nothing but political propaganda. (1/3)”Within the guise of suggestions, the letter is nothing however claims that Prime Minister @narendramodi is making about his Govt as a part of his marketing campaign for the upcoming Normal Elections, misusing govt databases. It is a blatant misuse of WhatsApp for political propaganda,” goes the second tweet.”WhatsApp’s acknowledged coverage prohibits the utilization of WhatsApp for political campaigns. If that is the coverage, how do you allow a political chief to do propaganda in your platform? Or do you may have a separate coverage for BJP?,” reads the third tweet. The third submit has a screenshot that mentions WhatsApp’s ‘Coverage on authorities and political use’. The Congress has accused the federal government of misusing public knowledge and has known as the message to be part of a marketing campaign for the upcoming common elections.
#Congress #sends #grievance #letter #WhatsApp #father or mother #Meta #message #PDF #file #Narendra #Modi
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