Royal Challengers Bengaluru’s Director of cricket Mo Bobat said that he’s not anxious about Virat Kohli’s strike price. Bobat additionally backed Glenn Maxwell, who has scored simply 32 runs in six matches, to come back good.“The point on Virat’s strike rate gets a lot of air time. But he has scored the most runs, and he is also offering a decent strike rate. I’m not spending too much time worrying about Virat’s batting,” Bobat stated.Preview, RCB vs SRH | Bengaluru sweats on bowling towards aggressive Hyderabad battingThe batting unit as a complete, nevertheless, must do higher, Bobat admitted. “We would like to get more out of our innings. We have seen 200 breached plenty of times in this tournament. It is a chicken and egg scenario where confidence will breed slightly more risk taking. We are not feeling that confident right now,” Bobat stated.On Maxwell’s poor kind, Bobat stated, “He is disappointed; he obviously has high standards. He is an important part of our batting line-up, particularly in those middle overs where we want to attack. We’re trying to support him as best we can.”
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