THIRUVANANTHPURAM: Enterprise partnership losses incurred “during the Covid period” have been guilty for Union minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar’s taxable revenue in 2021-22 plummeting to Rs 680, he stated Thursday on X.The revelation got here two days after EC acted on a criticism by Congress and directed the Central Board of Direct Taxes to confirm any potential mismatch within the affidavit particulars of NDA’s candidate for the Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha seat. Chandrasekhar is contesting the seat in opposition to Congress’s Shashi Tharoor, the present MP, and LDF candidate Pannyan Raveendran of CPI.”Since Congress is planning to run a campaign about my Rs 680 as taxable income in the year 2021-22 (assessed in 2022-23), here are the facts, all of which are in my mandatory disclosures,” he stated.”I am ONLY in public life for several years, and my income is derived only (from) MP/minister salary, perks and interest/dividend from savings/investments…”Chandrasekhar stated his 18 years in public life have been freed from any blemish regardless of makes an attempt by Congress functionaries to malign him, particularly after he entered the fray in Thiruvananthapuram. His roots are in Kondayur close to Desamangalam in Thrissur district.”Irony certainly died when Congress, whose first family is on trial for stealing properties and transferring it to their names surreptitiously and other shenanigans, and a candidate who had to resign as minister for his illegal IPL ‘interests’ started talking about disclosure and taxation,” he stated, alluding to Tharoor.Based on Chandrasekhar’s election affidavit, his revenue in 2022-23 was Rs 5,59,200, up 822 occasions from his disclosure of taxable revenue the earlier fiscal. Congress alleges that Chandrasekhar, who owns a number of companies that embody media and expertise corporations, hid most of his property in his filings.
#Rajeev #Chandrasekhar #clarifies #earnings #Taxable #revenue #dipped #due #Covid #India #Information
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