Shark Tank India, a enterprise actuality present, is at present in its third season and has made information for distinctive pitches by potential entrepreneurs. In one of many episodes, Namita Thapar mentioned her battle with perimenopause, the transitional time earlier than menopause. Many ladies undergo quite a lot of signs as their hormones fluctuate earlier than menopause, the pure finish of menstruation.Within the video, Namita detailed how she struggled with the perimenopause part and the way her psychological and bodily well being have been affected as a result of it. She stated, “In my case, I had never faced any issues during my periods so I used to consider myself lucky. But when perimenopause happens, people think oh this is just for teenagers or younger women. When my perimenopause began, one of the biggest symptoms was heavy menstrual bleeding. Even during Shark Tank’s shoot I faced those issues.”Anupam requested, “What is perimenopause?” Namita replied, “Perimenopause happens a few years before Menopause begins and your periods absolutely stop in menopause. I became so anaemic that my haemoglobin went to 8 and we have an injectable that we take through IV, Ferric carboxymaltose. I had to take that injection for 5 months, it is a 45-minute process. That is how I am sitting here today. There can be such serious issues in women’s productivity.” Namita wrote, “Women don’t prioritise their health & don’t speak up. I’ve used the @sharktank.india platform to speak about my experiences with mental health, IVF, fitness & now perimenopause. Menopause is when your periods completely stop & perimenopause is the phase that is 2-10 years prior to menopause when your periods get erratic. Perimenopause usually starts in your mid-40s.”Quick Meals model pitcher Anand Nahar: I needed Ritesh Agarwal to speculate, hope we join outsideShe added, “You experience mood swings, insomnia, hot flashes & many other symptoms. Most women are not aware of the symptoms, or treatment options & it can be a very rough & disruptive phase in their lives. It’s been a tough phase for me personally. I was happy to use the Matri pitch to share my journey & educate .. let’s take charge of our health!”
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