Gulfam Khan Hussain, who’s presently seen in Dhruv Tara – Samay Sadi Se Pare, feels slim has develop into synonymous with being wholesome and ‘Skinny’ is fairly. Sharing her ideas on World Well being Day, which is noticed on April 7, she stated, “People mistake health for being slim.”“These are two very different things, and just because the idea of being ‘slim is prettier’, people end up with silly diets and routines that most of the time harm them rather than helping.This needs to change,” she added.Gulfam has misplaced oodles of weight within the latest previous and confessed that it was as a result of her well being took a toll. She confessed, “Eat right, eat healthy, and eat at home. As most people are aware, I have become much healthier than I was two years ago. A kind of realisation and toll on my health gave a nudge to my consciousness, and I decided to do it the right way. So everything in moderation works for me (and should for everyone else too).”Sharing her health and eating regimen regime, she stated, “I work out for an hour at least every day, I eat nutritious food (sometimes treating myself to my favourite sweets in moderation) I don’t believe in depriving myself, and of course I take plenty of rest.”It is a common perception that when you are healthy, you look younger than your age. However, Gulfam is not worried about aging; she said, “The most frequent and pleasant compliment I get is ‘you’re looking younger’ so though aging is inevitable, how you age does matter. There is no substitute for grace, hence, you age gracefully and keep a tab on your health, that makes ‘every next day’ better. Moderation in food and exercise shouldn’t be compromised, and remember to follow your hobbies and do things you like. Trust me, a happy older person is much better than a sad younger person.”
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