Unlocking Siri’s Secrets: How to Choose Your Favorite App for Messages in iOS 17

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Siri’s Secrets

Siri’s Secrets- Apple has made it easier to personalize things in iOS 17, which wasn’t possible before. Now, you can choose the app Siri uses to send messages.

In the past, with iOS 10, Apple allowed developers to make Siri work with their apps. For example, you could say, “Book a cab with Uber” or mention the app you want for sending messages. But there were issues. Sometimes Siri didn’t remember the app name or got it wrong, leading to repeated tries.

Now, users can pick the exact app they want to use for specific commands, especially for sending messages. This means you can select WhatsApp to send messages using Siri. Here’s how:

  1. Talk to Siri: Say “Hey Siri” or press the power button for a while.
  2. Tell Siri to Message: Say “Send a message to (contact name).”
  3. Start the Message: Siri will open a message box with the contact name selected, ready for you to speak your message.
  4. Choose the App: Look for the “Message” icon on the left side of the contact name and tap it.
  5. Pick WhatsApp: A menu will show up with all the apps available. Choose WhatsApp or your favorite app.
  6. Speak and Send: Say your message, and it’s sent.

Keep in mind, Siri won’t always use the chosen app by default. You have to do this manually each time, at least for now.

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