Within the newest episode of Bigg Boss Malayalam 6, tensions flared as host Mohanlal confronted contestants over their conduct inside the home. Amidst the heated exchanges, Ratheesh Kumar discovered himself on the middle of controversy, receiving criticism for his self-rating and sparking a debate over his intentions.Throughout a job orchestrated by Mohanlal, contestants have been requested to decide on between “Zero,” “Hero,” and “Superstar,” reflecting how they understand viewers’ opinions of them. When it was Ratheesh’s flip, he opted for “Zero,” citing hints from Mohanlal and suggestions from fellow housemates as influencing components. Initially attributing his option to suggestions acquired from Mohanlal, Ratheesh later revised his rationalization, attributing it to observations made by fellow contestants.His assertion drew speedy consideration and critique, significantly from fellow contestant Sreerekha, a member of the ability staff. Sreerekha accused Ratheesh of strategic gameplay, suggesting that his choice of “Zero” was a deliberate try to differentiate himself from the group and manipulate perceptions.”Ratheesh has consistently portrayed himself as a hero or even a superstar within the house,” Sreerekha remarked. “His sudden decision to label himself as ‘Zero’ appears to be another calculated move in his creative game plan. I find it hard to believe any reasoning he offers for this choice.”The daring assertion from Sreerekha garnered assist from different housemates, who applauded her for calling out what they perceived as a misleading tactic.
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