MUMBAI: Days earlier than the election code of conduct is to be introduced for Lok Sabha elections, Shiv Sena (UBT) MLA from Jogeshwari Ravindra Waikar joined CM Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena on Sunday. Waikar was accused of utilizing BMC land reserved for gardens to construct a luxurious resort. He was alleged to be concerned in a Rs 500 crore rip-off and was raided by Enforcement Directorate (ED) in January.On Saturday, Waikar welcomed Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray at a celebration assembly, however 24 hours later, he jumped ship, dealing an enormous blow to Thackeray. Waikar switched sides a day after Thackeray introduced the candidature of Amol Kirtikar because the Lok Sabha candidate from the Mumbai North-West parliamentary constituency, which incorporates Jogeshwari, at present represented by Shinde Sena MP Gajanan Kirtikar.A couple of hours earlier than Waikar reached Varsha, Shinde’s official residence, to formally be a part of the celebration, Thackeray, at a celebration assembly in Goregaon, hit out on the MLA saying: “Some people despite being in the Sena for years did not realise the strength of the Sena. Those who want to go and sit under Minde’s [Shinde’s] beard may do so.” Hitting out at Shinde, he mentioned: “A pebble going here and there does not make a difference. The stigma of betrayer will never be wiped out.” Thackeray additionally criticised BJP, suggesting that as an alternative of claiming ‘Jai Shree Ram’, they need to now say ‘Jai Aaya Ram’, indicating that the celebration is importing leaders from throughout.Welcoming Waikar, Shinde mentioned he had now joined the true Shiv Sena that follows the ideology of Balasaheb Thackeray. The CM additionally talked about that Waikar had come over along with his complete household. MP Kirtikar was current on the occasion. Shinde mentioned 45 MLAs from Sena (UBT) had modified sides. “If work had been done in the previous 2.5 years, then would he (Waikar) have come over here today?” he requested.However Waikar mentioned owing to the Covid pandemic, improvement work couldn’t be undertaken. “…My reasons for joining Shiv Sena are different. We need Rs 173 crore for the 45km Aarey Road. The old and dilapidated PMGP colony and Sarvodaya Nagar in my constituency need to be redeveloped. I had approached courts against unequal distribution of funds…now I am convinced there is no alternative to being in power to get people’s work done,” he mentioned.
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